D-Restricted Ltd:®
Baby Tongue Tie Practitioner Hinckley Leicestershire


D-Restricted Ltd:®
Book a Consultation
Please select one of the treatment options below, which will then take you to my integrated booking system. To book you will be asked to create your 'Patient profile'; this incorporates a medical and birthing history intake form which creates a portal for you to be able to see your infants records and make any changes to your appointment (please use your infant's name to book).
Should you wish to make any further appointments you can opt to do this using your portal so that you are not asked to resubmit it all again!
It is due within 2 hours of your booking being created but should you need longer please just let me know so that I am not chasing your tail!
Similarly, if you need any assistance to complete it please just reach out to me.
At your appointment, I will discuss your ‘Patient intake form’ responses, perform a full tongue motility assessment and potentially also a division of a restrictive tongue-tie. A tongue function assessment is conducted following medical, birthing and feeding consultation. If a release is assumed beneficial, it will be offered during the same appointment-although there is no obligation to do so. A feeding plan & ongoing virtual support for 6 weeks (via the parent's area of this website &/or my closed Facebook group) is also included.
Should a release not be necessary, I can investigate the feeding issues, suggest a feeding plan, or signpost you to additional services who may further support you.
Should a surgical tongue-tie release be advised and performed in the same appointment then the total fee remains £220.00. However, should a surgical release not be performed then I refund £100.00 to your original payment method (so total charge is £120.00).
This appointment is for a reassessment, re-division of a (suspected) restrictive frenulum where I have provided the original and first division or for additional in-person support (x1 attendance).
*If an alternative practitioner has provided the first division please call me in the first instance to discuss your case before booking this as ideally the original specialist is best placed to assess the clinical need and has the original notes to hand.
A re-assessment may be suggested to you by myself as part of my follow-up communications with you, should a further division be recommended this is included in this consultation.
If this is our first consultation together then please also kindly complete the 'Intake form', a link will be sent to you to complete this but this is also found in your 'patient profile' account.
Re-assessment fee £120.00.
Infant Feeding and Lactation support with an 'Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant' (IBCLC). Effective Infant feeding support involves a full history taking and observation of a feed to visually see feeding behaviours. It incorporates the identification of potential issues and support to remedy them. A feeding plan & ongoing support for 6 weeks (via the parent's area of this website &/or my closed Facebook group) is also included.
Once feeding issues have been identified, I will work with you to work towards your individual goals and support you on your feeding journey. I am able to support all methods of feeding ability including breastfeeding, bottle feeding, combination feeding and introducing solids. I am an IBCLC (International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant) which is considered the gold standard in training and competence for lactation knowledge and support, although I am also a registered LEARRC infant feeding specialist too.
Infant feeding support fee: £120.00.
Booking a Consultation:
1. Select a treatment option from the descriptions below, following the links.
2. Enter your payment details;
Please refer to the cancellations policy for guidance should you cancel or miss your appointment. You are able to make alterations in your 'patient profile'.
3. Proceed to book, this creates your 'Patient profile' by following by the on-screen guidance.
(Nb 'First name & 'Last name' refers to your infant).
This creates a “patient account” or “portal”. This allows you to keep access to your infants medical notes and also make changes to the appointment (cancel, reschedule etc) if necessary.
4. Complete your intake form and review the required agreements as soon as possible. This request is sent to your email to remind you to complete but your appointment WILL BE CANCELLED if it is not completed.
At your appointment remember to bring:
1. Your infant's Red health book/Ered book,
2. A blanket or jumbo muslin square,
3. If your baby is bottle-fed: bring a bottle with prepared milk or EBM
4. Soother/pacifier/nipple shields if they are already introduced.
If your infant is over 12 weeks old:
1. Consider administering paracetamol before your appointment.
2. A "peckish" but not ravenous infant. I do observe a feed so we need your little one to be hungry!
3. Where able, book your appointment to time in with after a nap, so your little one is not over-tired.
4. Bring along any soothing toys/sensory/calming/techniques that your little one is familiar with and enjoys.
Your booking is not completed until the 'Intake Form' has been submitted. A link for this will be sent to your Email address within a few seconds after your scheduled appointment has been secured. This is required within 2 hours of booking so that all clinical details and feeding history can be reviewed in advance of the consultation.
If you need longer to complete this or would like some help/assistance to complete it please just let me know and I will be happy to assist :)
Payment Breakdown:
The full fee for your appointment is taken when scheduling your consultation.
*If you have scheduled and paid for a surgical release, and this is not mutually agreed as the best treatment for your infant at this stage, then you are charged the fee equivalent to an 'Infant feeding support' appointment and the difference is refunded back to your original payment method, so you are only paying for the service you receive.
All fees are transferred to D-Restricted Ltd using 'Jane transactions' via Stripe.
**Should a personal insurance plan be incurring the cost, it is parental responsibility to ensure the procedure is covered in their "Terms and Conditions". Payment for the appointment is still required to D-Restricted Ltd at the consultation using the saved payment details on file, and then it is the parents responsibility to contact their insurance provider for reimbursement. Receipts for the costs you have incurred are available to view and print in your 'patient profile' but if bespoke details are needed from your insurance provider I am happy to provide these too.
In the event you cancel your appointment with over 4 hours notice, only the booking fee is deducted. If you cancel your appointment with less than 4 hours notice then the full fee of the consultation is taken.
The booking fee is non-refundable in all events but is transferrable should you wish to reschedule your consultation, unless you have previously rescheduled more than 3 times, in which case the booking fee is also not refunded nor transferred to another appointment. Please refer to the Cancellation Policy for further details.
Tongue-Tie Consultation, Assessment & Division:
£220.00 reserved payment online at point of booking (£30.00 of which is booking fee).
Should a surgical tongue-tie release not be performed for any reason then £100.00 is refunded to your original payment method.
60 mins duration.
Infant Feeding/Lactation Support:
£120.00 reserved payment online at point of booking(£30.00 of which is booking fee).
60 mins duration.
Reassessment/Re-Division Review:
£120.00 reserved payment online at point of booking (£30.00 of which is booking fee).
60 mins duration.
Please ring me if you have any questions: 07910608179
Items to bring to your consultation:
> Please have your baby hungry (peckish but not crying hungry!)
> Please encourage your baby to have a ‘good’ sleep where able prior to your appointment.
> If your baby is over 12 weeks old, you may wish to consider administering a dose of paracetamol prior to your journey.
> It is advisable for your baby to be wearing light-weight clothing.
> A plain square blanket, towel, or over-sized muslin square (used to swaddle in).
> A bib/muslin square for any post division dribble.
> If you are bottle feeding or combination feeding, a bottle with infant milk/expressed milk.
> Dummies/Pacifiers if your baby uses them-not required if not!
> Nipple shields-Only if you have previously been using these
> The Child’s red health record (red book or eRed book) is very important

Baby Tongue Tie Practitioner & Infant Feeding Support.
Covering Hinckley, Leicester, Coventry, Nuneaton, Rugby, Coalville and all surrounding areas. Diana is professionally trained to help assess, divide and provide aftercare for your little one with a tongue-tie restriction. Diana also offers ongoing support for up to 6 weeks after a tongue-tie release and also boasts additional measures of support.
Book online today!