D-Restricted Ltd:®
Baby Tongue Tie Practitioner Hinckley Leicestershire


D-Restricted Ltd:®
Learning Zone
(for parents & caregivers)
*5 FREE-to-access presentations*
(Suitable from birth to pre-crawling age)
Baby massage is not a new concept, and has been practised in other countries for hundreds of years, with the belief that it helps with health, happiness, security and a feeling of being loved-for parent and baby. Baby Massage is tailored for all babies right from birth until pre-crawling age. It also addresses many of the symptoms a baby may be experiencing as a result of a restrictive frenulum such as colic, trapped wind, reflux and teething without the need for medication. It also has the added benefits for parents with bonding and confidence with their baby.
Baby Massage involves the parent/caregiver learning massage techniques, in order to promote physical and emotional well-being to the baby whilst also promoting bonding and attachment skills for the parent too. Baby massage is also a great introduction to infant Yoga.
Course benefits include:
Aids gross & fine motor skills
Sleep, increases duration & frequency
Aids digestions, relieves constipation and colic
Helps with reaching developmental milestones
Increases parent & baby bonding
Increased strength & flexibility
Reduces stress
Interaction - This links closely with improved bonding and attachment outcomes, increased confidence in parenting and all round improved baby handling skills.
Stimulation - The routine works all over babies body from the head to babies toes. The strokes are designed to stimulate many of babies internal systems (for example the digestive system and the nervous system). By regularly stimulating our babies systems (hopefully a part of the daily care routine) we will be giving our babies internal systems a gentle work-out each day. The more we exercise our internal systems the better overall wellbeing we will achieve.
Relief - baby massage has been proven to ease many common baby aliments, such as colic, digestive problems, teething, nasal congestion and sleep issues for example.
Relaxation - the process of massage helps to release oxytocin in both our babies system and also the parent doing the massage. Oxytocin is a stress busting hormone that combats stress, improves relaxation and also works as a natural pain reliever.

© D. Warren

© D. Warren
For all sessions you will need:
A towel or blanket
A cushion for parental comfort (for any floor work)
A short-sleeved baby vest-can be wearing under normal clothes on the day or as a spare
Massage Oil (cold-pressed, organic, sunflower oil-massage grade NOT cooking grade) nb baby-oils and coconut based oils are not recommended.
This is an ideal course to work alongside those techniques with 'Tongue motility strengthening exercises' too!
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