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डी-प्रतिबंधित लिमिटेड:

एक जीभ-टाई प्रतिबंध क्या है?

I am contactable at every stage of your feeding journey for the 6 week period following your baby's tongue-tie division.  This is called 'IBCLC in your pocket!'.

Over the next few weeks you are encouraged to access these pages so that you know what to expect, and at which point.  Of course, there are always exceptions and no two feeding journeys are the same.  Your journey is very bespoke. Influencing factors to their feeding efficiency include gestation at birth, medical health, ill health, home distractions, teething, injections, developmental/growth leaps and type of birth-alongside the current tone and strength of their tongue which will improve at different rates. 

Below is the current weeks suggested & generalised guidance to allow you the opportunity to understand what to 'expect', in the hope it is reassuring.

There are many 'variations of normal', so you are actively encouraged to contact me directly with any queries, questions or concerns-or just for an update chat!


Week 6 


This week marks the final week of “IBCLC in my pocket” support period with yourself, and formal discharge from me! I hope that you agree that the frenulotomy procedure and my communications with yourself have been beneficial.  Should you feel that your feeding journey has not improved to your expectations and would like a further assessment & support period please do feel free to book this on my website, this can be arranged at any stage (pre-top teeth coming through 😳).

Should you get a spare moment, please consider leaving me a review at:


Submit feedback to CQC who throughout England monitor and regulate services across healthcare: (Service Provider: D-Restricted Ltd).


This feedback enables the service to improve and can be utilised for my revalidation portfolios.

Finally, thank you for choosing me to support you on your feeding journey.  I wish both you and your new family good health and best wishes in your futures.

Best Wishes,
Diana Warren


Thank You!

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